Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Sunset at the Edge

A brilliAnt sunset at the corner of Elphinestone St, and Patricia Park. This is from the northern edge of North Central.

Frosty Twig

One cold morning brought frost everywhere. I found this 'spiky' twig on 5th Ave one afternoon. 

Graffiti on Garage

A back alley with a tagged garage found behind Garnet St. looking north from 4th Ave. I did a little editing on this photo. Many places in North Central have been tagged with graffiti everywhere. Garages, fences, houses, and even cars have been the focal point of many graffiti taggers.

Winter Fog

A grey cold afternoon set this photo. The previous night had lots of fog come thru the city, and as a result, everything turned white. This was taken looking west between Albert St. and Athol St at 5th Ave. 


Kitchener Elementary School

Early to mid evning in the playground at Kitchener School at Montague St. and 3rd Ave. This was taken looking south from a point that is closer to 2nd Ave.

3rd Ave & Elphinestone St.

This shot is looking east from near the corner of 3rd Ave, and Elphinstone St. This was taken roughly 9pm on a chilly evening. 


Regina's Urban Reserve known as Creeland. A gas station, and convience store located at Athol St. and 5th Ave. This is a popular place known for its low prices, and cheaper gas than anywhere else in the city.